Ænigma Capital LLC a Miami based broker-dealer, crypto hedge fund that combines venture capital style investment in early stage (pre-ICO and private round) projects with analytical investment in publicly traded tokens.

By partnering with Aenigma and taking advantage of their strong understanding of this dynamic sector, MAAS will be able to increase our crypto holdings from in-house mining operations and remain focused on day-to-day business. Aenigma and it's founding partners have established a reputation within the cryptocurrency realm as some of the most technical minds regarding market prices and predictions of future movements in this volatile sector. 

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This statement can be supported by the outstanding 323.2% return they delivered to their fund’s investors during the cryptocurrency market’s tough conditions last year. It is also the goal of MAAS to continue to allocate portions of profits generated into Aenigma Capital in order to safely increase exposure to cryptocurrency markets. While our blockchain’s main business model is a hybrid-utility play, we also recognize the importance of establishing early and continued exposure to cryptocurrency. 

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